The trial is based on technology that is known and well-tested.
The trial uses an app that is in use abroad to record driving in terms of both time and kilometres. The app will record the user’s behaviour and driving either automatically or manually. We have chosen not to use physical equipment.
The technical solutions must be understandable and user-friendly. The trial participants’ experience of the solutions will be a significant element of the trial.
Checks will be based on the automatic reading of number plates using Sund & Bælt’s existing number plate cameras. In addition, images will be manually validated afterwards.
Data from the number plate cameras will be compared with data from the app in order to issue mock fines.
No, the trial is based on known technology. This will allow us to get some results faster and reduce the costs of the trial.
In the trial, considerable attention will be paid to personal data. There are GDPR requirements in relation to both the technology and the design of the trial. Furthermore, the trial partly involves examining the trial participants’ attitudes towards privacy.